Bishop Zarama has lifted the dispensation that has been in place for the Mass obligation for Sundays and Holy Days for the faithful in the Diocese of Raleigh. For centuries, the Catholic Church has had in place an obligation for Catholics to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Importantly, the Church specifies that the elderly, sick, those with pre-existing health conditions or other […]
Read moreThe Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Rosary Council #9039, will host its 36th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Thursday, June 16, 2022 in memory of Dick Donaldson & Norm Melanson at Sea Trail Plantation Golf Club – Jones Course. Tournament proceeds provide financial support to local charities. Registration is open to all, including […]
Read moreWhy do bad things happen to good people? is a question that atheists as well as believers in God find themselves asking. Fr. Paul has some answers: the good, the bad, and the ugly. You are invited to come, consider, and learn. The presentation will take about 75 minutes and will include time for questions, […]
Read moreOur new Administration Building/ Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is projected to be completed this coming September.Donors are invited to “Name” an individual office within the new building in memory of a friend or loved one. Some offices have already been named, but many are still available: Office #1 Our Lady Queen of PeaceOffice #2 Saint ElizabethOffice #3 Saint […]
Read moreWhy be buried in a Catholic Cemetery or Columbarium? All through life, the Catholic Church is present to the living by baptizing their young, celebrating their growth and development, blessing their marriages and praying for them during times of illness. Since death is a natural part of life, it is only fitting that the Catholic […]
Read moreThe Groundbreaking Ceremony for our new Office Building (floor plan below) took place on Sunday February 13. Our Parish is Growing! This article originally appeared in our bulletin in March of 2019, but is still pertinent today.
Read moreClick here to read how the Bishop’s Annual Appeal directly affects St. Brendan’s. Pledge cards have arrived at the parish and are available on the table by the baptismal font. Those wishing to donate online may click on the following link: Give to the Diocese of Raleigh. Be sure to scroll down and select Saint […]
Read moreBrownbaggers are meeting in Brendan Hall on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Bring your lunch and enjoy the Bingo. Call Janet 910-754-4378 for information.
Read moreFebruary 1, 2022 Dear Parishioners, Fr. Paul is tending to a family emergency in West Virginia for possibly the next few weeks. Fr. Mark will teach the class on the Sacrament of Reconciliation scheduled for this Friday, 4 February, after the 9:00 am First Friday Mass. Please pray for safe travels for Fr. Paul and God’s blessings on […]
Read moreOur next session for Children’s Faith Formation for Children and Adultsis Sunday, February 6 from 9:30-10:45 am for children in grades Pre-K to 7. Children arrive at 9:15 am and go directly to your classroom. MASKS ARE REQUIRED. Adults, please proceed to the Church Library. For more information contact Diane and Tom Nagle 287-6189.
Read morePastoral Center Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 12:00 noon/
1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Friday - 9:30-11:30