Ministries Make a Difference

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4-10


Liturgical Planning:

  • ALTAR LINEN CARE – the linen committee is a group of ladies and/or gentlemen who care for the linens which are used for the celebration of the Eucharist. They are assigned to wash and iron if needed) the linens for one month a year. There is no training needed.
    Contact Pat McLaughlin –
  • ALTAR SERVERS – assist the priest at Mass to prepare the alter. The ministry is open to all parish members in fifth grade or above who have received first Eucharist. Training provided.
    Contact: Ellen Lehrer –
  • COLLECTION COUNTERS – processes weekend offertory collection every Monday. Time Commitment: Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. on a monthly rotating basis.
    Contact: Fran Radley –

MUSICThis ministry includes adult choirs, cantors, organists, and instrumentalists.

  • Accompanists – support and enhance the sung prayer of the assembly. Time Commitment: accompany for masses on organ, piano on a regular basis or for special liturgies; periodic formation sessions. Judy Snopek-
  • Choirs – Director Sandy Gemach –
  • Sanctuary Choir – Time commitment: rehearses every Tuesday evening and sings at three masses a month on a rotational basis; summers off.
  • Contemporary Choir – Time commitment: rehearses every other Wednesday afternoon and sings at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturdays, five times a year.
    Both choirs partake in Community and extra Church-related events.
  • Cantors – must possess a good voice, confidence, and poise, and must complete at least one Cantor Training Class. Time commitment: under the direction of the Music Coordinator, lead the musical worship during liturgies when the choir is not present; rehearsals and formation as needed. Contact: Judy Snopek –
  • Hispanic Choir – practice each Wednesday evening and under the direction of Sister Rosanne Caiazzo – 910-616-2105
  • EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – Assist with distribution of the Eucharist at daily and weekend masses. Take communion to those who are homebound or in hospitals or nursing homes. Initial training and periodic formation sessions are required. English speakers contact Pat McLaughlin –
  • READERS – proclaim the Word of God at weekend, daily, Holy Days and special liturgies. A strong voice, clear diction, familiarity with scripture, and a willingness to read before the congregation are helpful assets. Time commitment: as often as their schedule permits; arrive 30 minutes before Mass begins. Contact for weekend masses: David Morris – Contact for the Readers at daily mass: Dave Rosenfeld –
  • USHERS – welcome parishioners and visitors to the Eucharistic celebration; assist and guide the smooth flow of the congregation during communion, presentation of the gifts, and various processions; conduct the collection and bulletin distribution; and attend to special needs. Time commitment: serve at weekend liturgies and other special liturgical celebrations as often as their schedule permits (if possible, one mass each weekend). Contact – Jack Dambaugh –
  • SANCTUARY ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE – assist with planning and preparing the ritual space on an ongoing basis and/or for special liturgies; help design decorations for the main church appropriate to each liturgical season; responsible for maintenance of live plants. Time commitment: varies per the liturgical season, includes Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time. Contact – Sandy Nelson –
  • AUDIOVISUAL – enhances the worship experience of every parishioner by providing a good sound system; assist with the sound equipment for weekend liturgies and special liturgies. Time commitment: as needed, initial training provided. Contact – Joe Carpinello – or 910-579-9660
    For visual, which includes forwarding projection to TVs in Cry Room and/or to screen in Brendan Hall and Streaming Mass onto You Tube as assigned. Time Commitment: as needed – initial training is provided. Contact Bill Krug – or call 301-399-0893
  • FUNERAL MINISTRY COORDINATOR (Lazarus Group) – recruit liturgical ministers as needed for funerals; meet with the family to plan the liturgy. Time Commitment: as needed; initial training provided. Contact – Pat McLaughlin –
  • WEDDING COORDINATOR – meet with bride and groom on details for wedding liturgy prior to the day of the wedding; facilitate wedding rehearsal; ensure that essential details and setup are handled at the wedding celebration. Time commitment: some time spent with the wedding couple before the wedding; direction of wedding rehearsal (2 hours); help with setup and coordination of processions on the wedding day (3 hours); variable frequency; initial training and formation sessions.
    Contact: Gail Callan –
    Contact for Hispanic weddings:  Sister Mary Teresa – 

Spiritual Formation / Prayer:

St. Brendan Church invites all people to grow in their Catholic faith; formation is a life-long process. Special Bible studies will be announced in advance in the bulletin and on the parish website.

  • ADULT FAITH FORMATION – Providing relevant, meaningful educational and spiritual programs for our adult community. By incorporating teaching, community, and prayer in all that we do, we hope to nurture and support a deep, growing, personal relationship with Jesus and His Church in all those we serve.
    Contact: Bert and Paula McGoff. 704-425-4047
  • SACRAMENTAL PREP – volunteers prepare children for First Communion and Confirmation. Contact for First Communion: Sister Mary Teresa –, Confirmation: Daniel O’Reilly –


  • Faith’s Journey/Tuesday Bible study – studies on various topics in a small faith sharing community setting in Brendan Hall. Time commitment: every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:00.
    David Morris – 910-477-7055,
    Karen Carr 910-575-8167, or
    Jane Moore  or 910-713-4190
  • Little Rock Bible Study – Participants use Liturgical Press’s Little Rock Scripture study sets to read and discuss Old and New Testament books of the Bible. Each course runs between eight and 12 weeks. Group meets Tuesday mornings after Mass at 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in classroom 1 in the Parish Hall. The group decides which book of the Bible to explore each time. We sometimes take two to four weeks off between sessions to accommodate holidays and summer vacations. There is a fee for the books of around $20. Contact Ed Beckley –
  • Searchers of Scripture – This ongoing group meets to experience and discuss God’s word as we hear it in our lives today. All are renewed in an understanding of Scripture and more prepared to listen to God speaking to us especially through the readings at Sunday Mass. Participants have varied religious and educational backgrounds and no prior knowledge of the Bible is required. Time commitment: meets every Thursday morning: 9:30-11:00 am in the McGivney Room in the parish hall. Contact: Fran Salone-Pelletier – 910-754-9126

  • SUNDAY BOOK CLUB – interested parishioners meet to share their thoughts on the current book on faith and/or spirituality chosen by the group for discussion. Time Commitment: monthly after 8:00 am Mass on Sundays – as announced in the weekly bulletin. Contact Fran Salone-Pelletier – 910-754-9126
  • RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) – is for adults interested in coming into full communion with our Catholic Christian Faith, RCIA takes place over the course of a year and restores the original order of the Sacraments of Initiation. Time commitment: decided in September and is based on consensus of the group. Contact: David Morris –
  • SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES – members meet to read and understand God’s word and share its application in relation to their everyday lives. Time Commitment: defined by individual residential communities.
    Winding RiverContact: Pat Fredette – 910-754-7454
    Sea Trail PlantationContact: Charlie 910-579-8601
    Brunswick PlantationContact: Noreen Gilmartin – 910-287-3333
    Brick Landing – Contact: (?) meets monthly; also, meets weekly during Lent and Advent seasons
  • CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION – Family-Centered Faith Formation sessions for children and their parents. Coordinated breakout sessions for both the children in Grades Pre-K through 8th Grade and their parents/guardians or grandparents. High School students in Grades 9 through 12 are also invited to attend the parents’ session or work as volunteers assisting classroom facilitators. The classes meet the first Sunday of each month (October to May) from 9:00-10:15 am.
    Contact Tom and Diane Nagle –
    or 910-287-6189;
    Sister Mary Teresa –
    or 910-200-9209
  • CURSILLO (Hispanic) Cursillo begins with an intense three-day spiritual retreat, the purpose of which is a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Upon completing the retreat, the ‘fourth day’ begins – living the rest of one’s life by the power of the Gospel. The ultimate end of Cursillo is to bring Jesus Christ into the world and to be of service to the parish. Time commitment: weekly/monthly prayer meetings. Contact: Rigo Salazar –
  • JOHN XXIII (Hispanic)  Purpose:  to grow in faith.  Meets Mondays, 7-9 PM.  Study Catholic Catechism and the Bible.  Attend JOHN XXIII retreat once a year.  
    Contact  Ada Flores – 843-582-2993
    and Raul Ruiz – 939-488-5632


  • CENTERING PRAYER – a practice that invites us to be present to God as God is present to us. In the silence of centering, we open ourselves to God’s action in our lives. In each session, we have an hour of Lectio Divina, which is a communal prayerful sharing and reflection on a portion of Sacred Scripture. This is followed by a twenty-minute session of Centering Prayer. This group also reflects on the process of centering prayer and encourages each member to be faithful to two daily sessions of Centering Prayer. Time commitment: every Wednesday morning after Mass until 11:00.
    Contact – Jean Pelletier – 910-754-9126
  • CREATIVE SPIRIT – a group composed of knitters and crocheters who meet to pray and socialize while making shawls, afghans, wheelchair blankets, baby blankets and clothes, hats, scarves, slipper socks and other things for those in need of these items in Brunswick County. Time Commitment: meets weekly on Friday after daily mass. Contact – Eileen Brown – or Gail Callan –
  • GROUP LECTIO DIVINA Experience Group Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), a slow, quiet and thoughtful encounter with Scripture to listen for God’s messages to you by “praying” scripture. These 45 minute to hour sessions are offered every Tuesday after Mass in the Maloney room and every Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the parish library. For more information, contact Rita Canfield at or call 910-612-1335, or Bert McGoff – 704-425-1155 or at
  • LEGION OF MARY is a worldwide organization of the lay apostolate, in which Catholic men and women sanctify themselves through prayer and spiritual work in union with Our Lady under the guidance of the clergy. For more information please stop by the parish library “most” Monday mornings after 9 AM Mass or call Kelly Holthaus – 443-630-9910 or Anita Vevasis – 910-368-5763
  • SEWING SISTERS – a group that meets as needed for sewing projects in support of groups to make stockings for children, cancer port pillows for cancer patients and other projects as requested by the community. Time commitment: meets on Wednesday in a classroom in the church hall from 9:45 to 2:00 pm. Contact – Eileen Brown – or Nancy Wood 910-842-7941.
  • DIVINE OFFICE – often referred to as the Breviary; is the official set of daily prayers prescribed by the Catholic Church to be recited by clergy, religious institutes, and the laity. It consists primarily of psalms supplemented by hymns, readings, and other prayers. Time commitment; Tuesday through Friday at 8:40 am in the Sanctuary. Contact – Deacon Bob McGahran –
  • EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – St Patrick Eucharistic Adoration Chapel (located in the McGivney Center) M-Th: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm; Friday 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Contact: Anita Vevasis –
  • EUCHARISTIC PRAYER SERVICE – Service in the absence of a priest. Scheduled as needed by Fathers schedule. Contact – Dave Rosenfeld – 910-352-2704.
  • HEALING PRAYER – volunteers willing to pray at home daily for persons listed in the book of intentions as well as those requesting prayers by this ministry.
    Contact – Jane Moore –
  • PRAYER FOR PEACE – prayers are conducted by the Franciscan Sister Associates. Time Commitment: every Friday (except 1st Friday) after 9 am Mass in parish hall. Contact – Rita Canfield –
  • ROSARY – the rosary is prayed for the unborn before First Friday 9 AM Mass. Time commitment: every First Friday at 8:30 AM. Contact: Jim Carmody – 919-244-3652

Social Ministry / Social Justice:


  • AED TRAINING – (Automated External Defibrillator) volunteers are trained and certified to administer CPR in emergency situations with the AED. Contact: Sister Rosanne Caiazzo – – 910-616-2105
  • BEREAVEMENT GROUP – attempts to bring comfort, support, counseling, and education to those suffering the death of a loved one or any other loss. If the deceased is an immediate member of the family, the bereaved person receives four booklets, one every four months, to help them through a period of the grief process. Cards are also sent. A volunteer first calls the bereaved person to inform them of the availability of both private and group counseling sessions. In the fall, there is a special session called “Grief During the Holidays.” Those who have died during the year are also remembered in a special way in the All-Soul’s Day liturgy. Through bulletin announcements, we also inform our parishioners of professional bereavement programs taking place in local churches or at Lower Cape Fear Hospice. Time commitment: decided by the group. Contact – Sister Rosanne Caiazzo – and Jean Pelletier –
  • FRIENDLY VISITORS – volunteers visit and call the sick, homebound, hospital and nursing home patients; these visits and calls keep persons connected to our parish family. Time commitment – varies. Contact – Rita Canfield –
  • AUTUMN CARE LUNCH BUNCH – visits residents of Autumn Care Nursing Home to play bingo and provide socialization and friendship. Time Commitment: at least once a month. Contact – Pat Fredette –
  • CHRISTMAS GIVING TREEcontact Diane Nagle –
  • IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP – assist with the immigration office completing forms and other clerical work, tutor individuals for the Citizenship test. Time Commitment: 2 hours per week as often as schedule permits. Contact – Sister Rosanne Caiazzo – – 910-616-2105
  • HUMAN LIFE & DIGNITY MINISTRY – participates in Deanery and community pro-life events and advocacy; focuses on increasing the awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death; encourages adult and child faith formation ministry leaders to incorporate and adapt the life and relationships content when appropriate in their curricula; ensures regular bulletin updates for the parish; decorate the gathering space for Respect Life Month in October; create an annual Human life & Dignity “Fair or Expo’ in conjunction with Respect Life Month. Contact: Kathleen Brandenburg: cell: 843-796-7502 –
  • LINKING LIVES – volunteers provide temporary financial and emotional support to a parish family in crisis. Contact – Sister Mary Teresa – 910-200-9209
  • LOAVES AND FISHES – provide food for individuals and families in the county. Tasks include collecting food from local food stores, organizing, and monitoring inventory and assisting in distribution of food on assigned days. Time Commitment: one half days as assigned. Contact – Jane DeJoie –
  • PRISON MINISTRY – Volunteers visit inmates at nearby correctional facilities at designated times, conduct Eucharist service, discuss scripture; provide spiritual comfort and assistance; help inmates grow in their relationship with God, creation & each other thus respecting all life. Time commitment is 6 to 8 hours per month, involves travel to Tabor & Columbus facilities. The Dept. of Correction provides mandatory training. For further information, please contact Houston Holder –
  • RECOGNITION OF SERVICEMEN/WOMEN – keeps current with parishioners or family members who are serving their country by maintaining a photo display in the Gathering Space. Contact: John McGinley –
  • THE GIVING GARDEN – Volunteers work in the garden, (which is located behind the Knock Center – current site of the Loaves & Fishes food pantry) growing fresh produce to provide to the food pantry to give out. Groups meet Wednesdays at 9 AM to harvest produce ready for picking and to have it to the food pantry when it opens at 10AM. Other needed gardening chores (ie: weeding, planting, raking, fertelizing, etc), are then done. Members also work in the garden when convenient for them during the rest of the week. Contact Diane Beears or 910-444-9214

Fraternal Groups:

  • ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (Hispanic) – a fellowship and support group for those dealing with addictions; follows the 12 steps to recovery. Time Commitment: three nights per week. Contact – Jose Luis Aguilar – 910-398-4964
  • COLUMBIETTES – (Our Lady of the Rosary) are a vibrant group of ordinary Catholic women affiliated with the Knights of Columbus, who are willing to make a difference in our Church, community, and the world. The benefits of membership are many, including spiritual, moral, charitable, educational, and social. Contact: Dee Bumbera – 410-262-1284
  • KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS/SQUIRES – charity is the first principle of these men of faith and action. Every year they raise and donate tens of thousands of dollars for charitable projects and volunteer thousands of hours to organizations. Includes the squires for young men 12-17. Contact: Grand Knight Tom Kuncewitch – 908-433-9419 or at
  • FRANCISCAN SISTER ASSOCIATES – meets for the enhancement of Spirituality, service, and fellowship. Time Commitment: meets the 3rd Saturday each month at 3:00 pm. Contact: Pam Socha –

Parish community

  • WELCOME MINISTRY – works to encourage a friendly and welcoming environment of spirituality, hospitality, and inclusion into the faith community for new parishioners. “Meet & Greet” gatherings held twice a year are designed to welcome new parishioners.
    Contact – Bev Methvin – 910-209-4150
  • PARISH LIBRARIANBobbie Beckley –

Social Gatherings:

  • BRENDAN BROWN BAGGERS – a social gathering where parishioners come together to enjoy lunch and an afternoon of games and socializing in Brendan Hall.
  • FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Guadalupe – volunteers assist in planning this Feast Day celebration. Time Commitment: decided as the event planning begins. Contact – Sister Mary Teresa – – 910-200-9209 or Sister Rosanne Caiazzo – 910-616-2105 –
  • FUNERAL FELLOWSHIP – volunteers provide hospitality to bereaved family and friends upon request. Time Commitment: varies Contact – Barbara Wilson – 910-512-2156 –
  • THREE KINGS DAY – volunteers help with a day of celebration for parish children. Contact – Sister Mary Teresa – – 910-910-200-9209


  • ARCHIVIST – maintains textual and picture history of our parish community. Time Commitment: as needed. Contact – Beverly Methvin – and Rita Canfield –
  • BULLETIN – prepares blurbs, articles, announcements, and other pertinent information related to parish and local community activities. Contact – Rusty Joy – 910-754-8544 Ext. 6
  • ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – we work in partnership with the Brunswick Literacy Council to aid in learning the English language. Contact – Teddy Altreuter – 910-579-1057
  • WEBSITE – updates the website with current and pertinent parish information; evaluates and modifies the design and layout of website when necessary. Maintain contact and communication with parish organizations and ministries to solicit information and news regarding activities. Contact: Julie Chiarella –

Non-Profit Organizations

Many of our parishioners volunteer their time and talents in the local community organizations.

  • CRISIS INTERVENTION – Sister Rosanne Caiazzo 910-616-2105 and Sister Mary Teresa 910-200-9209

Updated November 7, 2023

May we, like our patron, St. Brendan, trust joyfully in the guidance of our God and in the goodness of our fellow travelers.

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