Note on Offertory Envelopes

Dear Parishioners, The Offertory Envelopes get sent from Our Sunday Visitor based in Huntington, Indiana. They do not get mailed from the parish office! As many parishioners have experienced, from time to time there is an unexpected delay in the mailing of the envelopes, but they will eventually get to you! Thank You, Fr.Mark

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Aging and its Effects on Your Bladder

As you get older, the bladder changes. The elastic tissue of the bladder walls may toughen and become less elastic, resulting in the need to go to the bathroom more often. Weakening of bladder muscles and pelvic floor muscles can also happen making it difficult for you to empty your bladder completely or cause you […]

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Covid Vaccines at St. Brendan

Tuesday 2 March,10 am – 1 pm in the church parking lot for anyone 65 or older, even if not a parishioner. We do not know which vaccine will be administered. No signup or pre-registration needed. Bring driver’s license or other document to verify birthdate.

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Tax Time

If you need a Contribution Statement for your Taxes, call Rusty in the office 754-8544.

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Aging & Your Digestive System

What to expect with your digestive system As we grow older, we can experience age-related changes to our body. One change is structural changes in the large intestine. This can result in constipation in older adults. Other factors that can affect the digestive system and cause constipation are a decrease or lack of exercise, not […]

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Another Scam Attempt

For immediate distribution: There is a scam text supposedly from Fr. Mark making the rounds again. Ignore it. It’s not Fr. Mark’s cell number. Thanks, The real Fr. Mark

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Lenten Reflections

Did you pick up one of the little black books with reflections for Lent? If you did so, great! Read here how it can be part of your prayer-fasting-almsgiving practices during Lent. A video of the Stations of the Cross is available on our YouTube page for your use at any time of the day […]

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K of C Philly Style Cheese Steak Sandwich & Heavenly Bread

K of C Council 9039 and Assembly 3115 Philly Style Cheese Steak Sandwich & Heavenly Bread Saturday, February 27th from 1pm to 6pm. Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches are $10 each or a family pack of four (4) for $30. The all-time famous heavenly bread loaves are $5 each. The Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches and Heavenly […]

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Lent begins this Wednesday

Unfortunately, Lent this year has to be different due to the pandemic. On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, the 9:00 am Mass will be livestreamed. However there will not be the normal distribution of ashes to help prevent the spread of the disease. Instead everyone is encouraged to click here and print out this form. Then […]

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Bishop’s Annual Appeal

For those who may have missed this article in last year’s bulletin CLICK HERE to learn how Bishop’s Annual Appeal directly affects St. Brendan Parish. All parishioners are asked to fill out their pledge cards before coming to church and simply place them in the collection baskets or mail them in to the office as […]

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