Deacon Louis F. Howe was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on 11 June 1994 in the Diocese of Bridgeport, at St. Augustine Cathedral in Bridgeport CT, by Edward Cardinal Egan, then Bishop Egan, the 3rd Bishop of Bridgeport. Deacon Lou is 67 years old and is married to his wife of 49 years, Mary-Jo and […]
Read moreOur Lady of the Rosary Columbiettes elected a new board of officers for the 2022-2023 Columbiette year. Pictured from left are Joyce Dorsa, secretary; Sally Dambaugh, past president; Christine Cataudella, financial secretary; Joyce Edwards, treasurer; Mary VanDyke, vice president; Geri Brombacher, sentinel; Dee Bumbera, president. The Columbiettes meet at St. Brendan’s at 7pm on the […]
Read moreThe long awaited return of SEARCHERS OF SCRIPTURE is in sight! We will meet after the morning Mass on THURSDAY, JULY 21st for the first time since COVID-19 derailed our weekly sessions. The room choice will be based on the size of the group. For those who are new to the parish or have not […]
Read moreTabernacle $ 10,000 / Main Altar $ 9,000Pulpit $ 8,000 / Baptismal Font $ 7,000Presider’s Chair $ 6,000 / Deacon’s Chair $ 5,000Altar Server Chair $ 4,000 / Sanctuary Lamp $ 3,000Credence Table $ 2,500/ Pews $2,000 Recognition will be given for donating a Chapel Appointment, such as in whose Memory the donation is made, as […]
Read moreA great big shout out to our Sanctuary and Contemporary Choirs for a great choir year! Thanks to our very talented accompanist Laura Candler-White, and guitarists Rich Gemach, Paul Machner, and Tom Dillard for great instrumental work. All of these folks are extremely dedicated to their music ministry sharing their talents in order to enhance […]
Read moreI am both sad and excited to tell you that I will be returning to my Diocese to begin a new assignment as Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in South Charleston, WV. My last weekend here will be on Pentecost Sunday, June 4 & 5. When priests are ordained, they take a Vow of Obedience […]
Read moreMy Brothers and Sisters, While we have been given the gift of life by our Creator and the teachings of the Church that each life is sacred, we are every day reminded that we live in a world in which life is taken for granted or even disregarded. When violence affects the “stranger” or the […]
Read morePastoral Center Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 12:00 noon/
1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Friday - 9:30-11:30