Seventeenth Sunday of the Ordinary Time

The gospel we just heard has some surprising comparisons to the Kingdom of God – a kingdom that is not measured in acres, or miles, or limited by any kind of geography we might imagine.  It is a kingdom, in fact, whose size could be small enough to hold in your hand or bury in a field. What matters is not its size.  What matters is its worth. The gospel assures us: it is a rare treasure, as precious as a pearl.

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

One of the great questions found in literature, philosophy, and in the history of ideas is the fact that our life is a mixture of good and evil. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world. Everywhere we look we find this strange mixture of what’s right and what’s wrong. Why there is evil?

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“A Sower went out to sow…” Those simple words begin one of the most memorable parables in the gospel – a story that has much to teach us not only about gardening and growing, but also about listening; Listening to the Word of God; Being receptive to it; Being open to it. That can be hard to do, when there is so much noise in the world distracting us from God and trying to drown out His Word. But there is something striking and very hopeful about this parable that I would like all of us to consider today.

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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel tells us about the Heart of Jesus. It gives us these words of comfort: “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart and you will find rest for yourselves; for my yoke is easy and my burden light.” What do these words tell us about the Lord? What do they mean for us?

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