Everyone is invited to attend a retirement webinar sponsored by the Knight’s of Columbus this Thursday night at 7:00PM. CLICK HERE for a list of topics to be covered and to register. Although, many of us are already retired, we should be able to get good information that will help us during our retirement.
Read moreThe Knights of Columbus Council #9039 is offering a Day of Reflection to all Parishioners of St. Brendan’s and other parishes on Saturday, May 8th. It will be a Spiritual Journey of Faith through reflection of where we are headed in our Catholic Faith. Young and not so old are invited. The day will start […]
Read moreThe Knights of Columbus, Council #9039 are sponsoring their Spring Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Tuesday, May 4th from 11:00am to 3:30pm in Brendan Hall. To schedule an appointment, visit the Red Cross website: www.redcrossblood.org and simply enter zip code 28470 and click on St. Brendan’s or call the Red Cross at […]
Read moreCDC Guidelines for Indoor Activities Make Indoor Activities Safer: Stay at least 6 feet apart Wear your mask correctly and consistently Limit the amount of time spent with others Dear Parishioners, That last tip is very important and is the reason why, from time to time. There might be no homily, in addition to no […]
Read moreOur Knights of Columbus will sell a Roast Pork Dinner with Rosemary Potatoes and Sauerkraut, as well as their heavenly bread at St Brendan’s Church on Saturday April 17th from 1pm to 6pm. The cost of the Roast Pork Dinner is $10 each or a family pack of four (4) Dinners for $30. The Knights […]
Read moreNearly everyone has been a “friendly visitor” to someone. It does not require going to meetings, giving reports and/or being on a roster. When you missed someone at Mass and checked on them, heard someone needed help and you helped, called someone to chat and let them know they are thought of and missed, you […]
Read moreLAMB is a NC non-profit organization (IRS 501(c)3) supporting those with intellectual disabilities, like Special Olympics. Normally to provide funds for LAMB the Knights of Columbus would conduct “tootsie roll drives” in front of Walmart and Lowes grocery, but not now due to Covid. To continue supporting the special needs people in our community, we […]
Read moreThe Columbiettes of Our Lady of the Rosary Auxiliary will hold a Mini-Sweet-Bread sale on Palm Sunday, March 28, after the 8:00 Mass. A variety of delicious homemade mini loaves will be available for just $3 each. They will make a tasty addition to your Easter feast as well as a perfect gift family and […]
Read moreSaturday, March 20, 2021 – 10:00am to 2:00pm Drive-in and Drop off your donations at:Seaside United Methodist“Loaves and Fishes” St. Brendan Church, or First Baptist Church of Shallotte Recommended Non-Perishable Food Items:Rice Dried Beans/Peas Mac and Cheese Green Beans Peas Corn Pork and Beans Tuna Canned Fruit Spaghetti Sauce Pasta Peanut Butter Soups Cereal Instant […]
Read morePastoral Center Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 12:00 noon/
1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Friday - 9:30-11:30