Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My dear friends, we are on the 23rd Sunday in ordinary time and today in the gospel, taken from Matthew Chapter 5, we see Jesus speaking about the importance of reconciliation. He says that if we realize that our neighbor has sinned against us, we need to take the initiative and go and talk to that person in private.

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Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday’s gospel is a perfect companion piece to the one we heard last week.  Each gospel manages to show us two sides of the same coin. Last week, you will remember, we found ourselves in the Sea of Galilee, and heard the account of Peter attempting to walk on water and sinking.  It was the story of an apostle – a man, and a Jew – challenged by the Lord and then failing that challenge because of his doubt or lack of faith.

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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This gospel passage that we have just heard may be among the most haunting in all of scripture.  It has a lot to say about fear, about faith, about trust — about daring to do the impossible. I would like to look at just six words in the middle of this passage – six words that can change our lives.  They loom large in this gospel – and across everything we understand as Catholic Christians. It is one simple phrase: “Peter got out of the boat”.

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