Parish News & Events

Going Green

Dear Parishioners,

In an effort to “go green” and reduce paper waste, we will no longer provide missalettes in the pews. For those who wish to have access to the readings, here is one option:

1. Bring your phone to church but turn the sound off.
2. Type in “USCCB”
3. Click on “daily readings.”

There you have it! Note: for those who attend the Saturday 5 pm Mass, use the Sunday readings.

Access to the USCCB Daily Readings is also available on the myParish app. If they appear in Spanish, simply click the “English” tab. To install the app on your phone, tablet, or computer, visit your App Store (Android or iPhone) and search for "myParish" to download.

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May we, like our patron, St. Brendan, trust joyfully in the guidance of our God and in the goodness of our fellow travelers.