Parish News & Events

Day of Reflection

The Knights of Columbus Council #9039 is offering a Day of Reflection to all Parishioners of St. Brendan’s and other parishes on Saturday, May 8th. It will be a Spiritual Journey of Faith through reflection of where we are headed in our Catholic Faith. Young and not so old are invited.

The day will start Mass at 8:00 celebrated by Father Lesak. The meeting will start in Brendan Hall with refreshments. We’ll have lunch and breaks throughout the day and ending around 2:00 or 2:30.

Father William Lesak, our State Chaplin, will conduct the Reflection. He has a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Theology and is an excellent speaker.

Come prepared to ask questions, Father Lesak has the answers.

To register, call Al Ciardi at 910-846-3122 (if no answer please leave a message) or email him at

Since there is no charge for this event, we will have a donation box to help cover food and the stipend.

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May we, like our patron, St. Brendan, trust joyfully in the guidance of our God and in the goodness of our fellow travelers.