Parish News & Events

The Sacrament of Reconciliation and Habitual Sin

Friday, February 4, 9:30 am, in the Church Sanctuary following 9:00 am First Friday Mass

The Sacrament of Reconciliation a/k/a Confession has gone from being perhaps the most frequently celebrated sacraments to one of the most seldom. Two primary reasons are: 1) failure to understand why we need this sacrament; and 2) failure to appreciate what this sacrament is all about.
Father Paul will explore both the cause and hope- filled suggestions for dealing with this unfortunate part of our spiritual journey.
The presentation will take about 75 minutes and will include time for questions, answers, and discussion.
PLEASE REGISTER by signing up at the desk in the Gathering Space or by emailing Fr. Paul at You may also text or phone him and leave a message at (304) 433-7472. It helps us with preparing handouts.

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May we, like our patron, St. Brendan, trust joyfully in the guidance of our God and in the goodness of our fellow travelers.

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