Parish News & Events

Eucharist Source and Summit of the Christian Life

  • What: A teaching on the most important thing we Catholics ever do
  • When: Friday January 7, 9:30 am following 9:00 am First Friday Mass
  • Where: St. Brendan Church Sanctuary in Shallotte, North Carolina
  • Why: To explore, learn, and love what we believe and do at Mass
  • How: PLEASE REGISTER by signing up at the desk in the Gathering Space or by emailing Fr. Paul at It helps us with preparing handouts. Estimated time is one hour including time for questions and answers
  • Who: Fr. Paul Wharton, is a diocesan priest from Wheeling- Charleston on Sabbatical, and Priest-in-Residence at Saint Brendan. He has been a Priest (39 years), Prison Chaplain, Dean, Vicar, Teacher, Presbyteral Council Chairman, and a Consulter for his Bishop.

Fr. Paul will help us explore a little bit of history of the Mass, some theology of the Eucharist, and a few practical suggestions on how to “get more out of Mass” or make our worship a more enriching experience for ourselves and others.

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May we, like our patron, St. Brendan, trust joyfully in the guidance of our God and in the goodness of our fellow travelers.

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