LAMB is a NC non-profit organization (IRS 501(c)3) supporting those with intellectual disabilities, like Special Olympics. Normally to provide funds for LAMB the Knights of Columbus would conduct “tootsie roll drives” in front of Walmart and Lowes grocery, but not now due to Covid. To continue supporting the special needs people in our community, we are asking our St. Brendan’s community to help us by donating online through the home page of our website at KofC-9039 You can donate using PayPal or credit cards (a 1.5% processing fee is charged) or you can send a check to LAMB Foundation of NC, Inc., 6420-A1 Rea Rd, Suite 312, Charlotte, NC 28277. Please put Council 9039 on the memo line. We thank you for your support and ask that you let friends or family know of this simple way to support our less fortunate neighbors.