- Everyone continues to be dispensed from their Sunday obligation. (It is not a sin to miss Mass.)
- While this dispensation is applicable to all, the elderly, those sick, those with pre-existing health conditions or other vulnerable people should especially continue to stay at home.
- Our Parish Office will remain closed. Normal office hours resume Wednesday 1 July.
Wearing a mask will be mandatory.
For Those Who Come to Church
- Wear a cloth Face Covering (that is, wear a mask) for everyone over the age of two.
A. Masks will NOT be provided at church. Please bring your own.
B. Bring your own Hand Sanitizer. - Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission:
A. Every other pew will be “roped off.”
B. Once the church is filled, seating will be available in the parish hall.
C. There will be no “selling” or “signing up” at tables in the Gathering Space.
D. No other gathering of small groups of people standing around inside.
E. The Cry Room is closed.
F. Baptismal Font and Holy Water Fonts will remain empty. - Temporary Changes at Mass: (Until at least Friday 26 June.)
A. The Sign of Peace is omitted.
B. No Communion from the chalice.
C. No Gift Procession (The bread and wine will already be in the Sanctuary).
D. The “Service Parts” of the Mass are recited –
– Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Lamb of God.
E. Reception of Holy Communion on the hand only.
– Medical personnel have emphasized that saliva is one of the worst fluids for transmission.
– This avoids the communicant “breathing” onto the hand of the Eucharistic Minister.
The Common Good Remains a Priority
- Our first consideration is for the health and safety of our parishioners and those whom they will encounter
- This is especially true for the most vulnerable members of our populations, including the elderly and those with chronic illnesses and are symptomatic.
- We must rely on medical personnel and scientists to give the best advice in these matters.
- Wear a mask and carry hand sanitizer with you when leaving home and use it frequently.
- Wash hands using soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds as frequently as possible.
- Regularly clean high-touch surfaces such as steering wheels, wallets, and phones.
- Stay at home if sick.
Weekday Masses for the week of Monday 25 May
(Return to normal weekday Mass schedule on Monday 1 June: 9:00 AM only)
- Confessions available before and after each Mass
- Mass intentions have been rescheduled from “missed” Masses in March and April. All remaining “missed” Mass intentions will be rescheduled beginning in June.
Monday 25 May (Memorial Day)
Mass Intentions
9:00 am – Frank and Catherine Valente
12:00 noon – BAA Dedications (March, April, May)
7:00 pm – Caruana and Motta Families +
Tuesday 26 May
Mass Intentions
9:00 am – Joe Reid +
12:00 noon – Lisa Ann Matos +
7:00 pm – William and Pat Pell
Wednesday 27 May
Mass Intentions
9:00 am – Pat and Bill Pragel +
12:00 noon – Joan Corbett +
7:00 pm – William and Angela Pell +
Thursday 28 May
Mass Intentions
9:00 am – Michael Dobosh, Sr. +
12:00 noon – Lillian Geiger +
7:00 pm – Alan Bevan +
Friday 29 May
Mass Intentions
9:00 am – John Robert Sabella +
12:00 noon – Ida Krupsky +
7:00 pm – Richard Spengler +
Regular Weekend Mass Schedule Resumes!
Until further notice.
Saturday 30 May – Pentecost Vigil
Mass Intentions
4:00 pm – Confessions
5:00 Mass – Raymond McLaughlin +
Sunday 31 May – Pentecost
Mass Intentions
8:00 Mass – Dick Gresham +
9:30 Mass – St. Brendan Parishioners
11:00 Mass – Agatha Becker +