Dear Parishioners,
I. Holy Week Services
Some people have asked me why I don’t “live stream” Masses as other parishes are doing. We have a unique and actually wonderful opportunity here. Parishioners have heard me say Mass before and you will again. Parishioners have seen the inside of our church and you will again. Now during this “in between time” parishioners have the unique opportunity to hear our Bishop say Mass, and to see the inside of our diocesan cathedral.
I recommend that all parishioners view the Holy Week services available on the Diocese of Raleigh website from Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh: cathedral-bishop-zarama-presiding
II. Palms
The second weekend after we are “back in business” I will distribute the palms that we would have received on Palm Sunday. They were shipped to us and I have them in storage.
III. Weekday Masses
Again, after the lockdown ends and churches reopen, I intend to reschedule the Mass Intentions that we have missed by keeping the church open from 9 AM until 7:30 PM and to allow for private prayer and Confessions. I intend to offer Mass Monday through Friday for at least two weeks according to the following schedule:
9:00 am Mass, followed by Confessions until 11:45 am.
12 Noon Mass (Church to remain open after this Mass.)
7:00 pm Mass (Confessions 6:00-6:45 PM)
IV. In the Meantime
In the meantime, let us be patient and do the best we can to pray at home. Let us acknowledge that these are extreme times and extreme circumstances, calling for measures that we normally would not take, but are the best we can do for now.
Stay Safe and Stay Healthy,
Fr. Mark