Friday Oct. 1st, 9:30 amThe What, Why, and How to Pray (and How God Answers our Prayer)
Friday Oct. 8th , 9:30 am Dealing with Difficulties and Distractions
Friday Oct. 15th, 9:30 am The Lord’s Prayer and Lectio Divina (Divine Reading)
The Gospels repeatedly remind us that prayer was a priority for Jesus. He prayed alone and with others, in the Temple, Synagogues, and outside. He prayed 40 days before beginning his public ministry, choosing his Apostles, at and after the Last Supper, and on the Cross. If prayer was so important for Jesus, how much more so ought it be for us! Following the 9 AM Mass on the first three Fridays in October, there will be a presentation by Father Paul, discussion, comments, and questions. Fr. Paul notes, “When I was growing up, I learned prayers and was told that praying is important, but no one taught me how to pray.”
Father Paul Wharton, a native of West Virginia, is a diocesan priest from Wheeling-Charleston on Sabbatical and Priest in Residence at Saint Brendan the Navigator in Shallotte, NC. He has been a Priest (39 years), Prison Chaplain, Dean, Vicar, Teacher, Presbyteiral Council Chairman, and a Consulter for his Bishop.
Please register directly with Fr. Paul at pjw424@gmail.com